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A Prayer in Painful Stress

Man on bus sad

LORD, God above, hear my heart
Draw near and steady my quick and troubled mind
Guide my day to soar in line with your Spirit
     like a bird lifted by the steady hand of your breath
Quiet my mind in the stillness of your depth
     your glorious expanse illuminates our simple and trivial foes
     open our eyes to your presence in, through, and beyond our pain
     cover our eyes from the glow of our selfish desires
     restore our eyes to the capacity of your loving gaze

Father, when wolves come in the way of stressful distractions
Send your loving Shepherd to guide us back to your green and still pastures
     a pasture of light and dark
          dancing in the beauty of your creation
     a pasture of green and brown
          displaying the growth and rebirth of your marvelous restoration  
     a pasture of quiet and triumph
          forever attesting to your unending praise
     a pasture of balance
          forever and always centered in, around, and with you

Christ, our Shepherd, remember our plight 
Remind us of your example in the midst of our stress
     You are no stranger to pain
Guide us down the path you have already traveled
     lead us
     guide us
     heal us


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