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This book is a book of prayers.

The We are Radicals Book of Prayers is simply a collection of prayers. A lot of these prayers are my own personal prayers. Along with my dear friend Corbin J. White, we compiled and wrote many of the prayers that have been beneficial in our lives. We tried to compile prayers to help you have prayers for whatever time or event you need. Pray these prayers however you want. 

Sometimes, we have simply read a prayer, then sat waiting on the Lord. Also, we have prayed continually for longer periods of time. Other times, we have prayed some of these prayers in solitude. We have prayed many of them communally with our brothers and sisters. 

While there are a lot of our personal prayers included, there are also several prayers from those who have gone before us. It has been so powerful reading and praying the prayers of saints before us.

Our goal and prayer is that you can find Christ as you pray these prayers as well as your own. We hope you enjoy The We are Radicals Book of Prayers.

Further, if you have a prayer you would like to share with us, please send it to use in the form below.
